Meet Michael Pierce

Michael Pierce started his health education in childhood in a family immersed in LaLecheLeague, natural childbirth, chiropractic and whole foods without artificial colors, flavors and refined foods. He learned the hard lesson of bias in the medical industry against wellness and independence from modern medicineearly and studied basic sciences and the humanitiesheavily as an undergrad. He has a family tradition of chiropractors going back several generations. He completed his Doctor of chiropractic from Palmer University in Iowa and went on to earn a board certification in Neurology from the American ChiropracticAssociation (ACA) Board of chiropractic neurology, and currently serves on the exam board. He was medical director of a 100 bed destination wellness retreat center with a team of 30 staff and doctors. He taught neurology candidates in the preceptorship-internship program and in clinical neurology and clinical and molecular neurochemistry, lectured widely and designed products for the health food industry. He was a member of the NNFA (now Natural Products Association). He has practiced for 26 years and consulted in the US, Europe and Mexico for over 100 clinics, including CereScan.

Dr. Pierce is a certified Chef and was faculty at the nutrition and culinary program at Bauman College in Boulder, Colorado, at Arkansas Midwifery School and the Vollmer Institute for Polygraph. He has collaborated or testified on health freedom legislation with the Institute for Justice, the Alliance for Sustainability, National Health Freedom Coalition, andThe Wildcat Sanctuary. He has given keynote or featured lectures and Grand Rounds for the Minnesota Chiropractic Association, the Dutch Chiropractic Association, the Minnesota Occupational Therapy Association, the Holistic Dental Association, and provided amicus briefs to the state of Arkansas on massage spa modalities. He was active in founding and operating several 501.c.3 nonprofits.